The name is so funny. Liang in Taiwan means "two", while Hao means "good, okay, etc.". So theoritically translated into "two two good" LOL. I happened to find them in the B1 floor of Taipei 101 Mall. I just straightly bought the egg tart because I was so curious at that time, although I have full already~ The icon of the store is kinda cute, shows you the finger quoting. Oh yeah, beside the egg tarts, they also sell coffee, tea, and cinnamon bun, all for to-go, because they didn't provide any private table due to it's a part of the food court section.
Their egg tart (35 NTD) is kinda different from the KFC. It has a quite thick layer at the bottom of the tart (as you can see from the picture), not eggy enough, but the sweetness was just on the right amount. The outer layer was not that crisp, not that flaky buttery. The texture is dense enough, not the one that could melt into your mouth right away. The size is a little bit smaller from the usual egg tarts, but not that teeny tiny bit. Well, if you are curious as much as me, you could taste this one.
Cafe: Liang Liang Hao (Taipei 101 Mall branch)
Address: Taipei 101 Mall, B1 Floor
Business Hour: 11 am - 10 pm
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